Posts Tagged ‘Finally Free’

Mike Vick Cancels Book Tour After Receiving Threats

Tuesday, March 12th, 2013

by Brandyn Campbell





Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Mike Vick is and will probably always remain one of the most controversial figures in the public arena, not just in sports.  As such, it comes as no surprise that the release of his autobiography, Finally Free, and book tour  surrounding the work has garnered harsh criticism after his past involvement with dog fighting.  But after the NFL star received threats of violence via social media, Vick and Barnes and Noble bookstores announced that his schedule of signings in Atlanta, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey have been canceled.

According to Worthy Publishing, the book’s publisher, they support Vick and his work about his life, including his time in prison for dog fighting and continuing the fight to rebuild his life and public image.  However, they don’t want to put innocent bystanders in harm’s way.

Said Byron Williamson, the publisher’s president,

“While we stand by Michael Vick‘s right to free speech and the retailers’ right to free commerce, we cannot knowingly put anyone in harm’s way, and therefore we must announce the cancellation of Mr. Vick’s book-signing appearances.  We’ve been assured these threats of violence, which have been reported to the police, are being taken very seriously by local authorities.”

According to the Philadelphia Inquirer,

The Facebook page promoting the event was filled with threatening and vulgar messages.

A spokesman for Vick stated the following:

“Michael Vick is committed to helping make his community a better place.  He is one of the most active players in the NFL in terms of community service.  It is a shame that a few extremists would threaten violence to try and prevent him from meeting fans and inspiring them to make positive choices.”

No matter what he does, Vick cannot erase the past and that fact is what continues to make Vick such a polarizing figure. For many, his part in harming dogs is simply unforgivable, regardless of any efforts post-prison to take ownership of his crimes and attempt to be a positive presence in his community.  True turnaround or publicity ploy?  This is the debate that will follow Mike Vick for the rest of his life.

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Brandyn Campbell of Philly Sports Muse, for War Room Sports