Archive for the ‘NASCAR’ Category

Tia Norfleet Makes a Pit Stop in The War Room! “Get Right or Get Left”

Wednesday, October 31st, 2012

Tia Norfleet, the FIRST and ONLY African American FEMALE driver in NASCAR, will be in The War Room this Thursday, November 1st to discuss her driving background, her love for racing, the barriers she’s breaking down in American sports, and more!

Tune in Thursday, November 1st at 6pm ET to hear our conversation with Tia!  To tune in, go to and click the “Listen Live” button…or dial 323-410-0012 to listen LIVE by phone.

In the meantime, check for Tia Norfleet on Twitter @TiaNorfleet, check out her Facebook fan page at, and check out her website at

You should also join the War Room Sports Facebook page at and follow us on Twitter @WarRoomSports!

Finally, if you own an Android phone or tablet…an I-Phone, I-Pad, or I-Pod, please go to your Google Play and/or App Store and download the FREE War Room Sports mobile app!  It’s the VERY BEST way to stay up on all of our media content from one central location!