WRS Book Review: Phil Jackson – Eleven Rings

by Jimmy Williams







11 Rings



Part Basketball, Part Management, & Part Leadership

Last time I wrote a review I had just finished my 37th book. Well yesterday I just finished my 42nd book of the year and I’m 81% at my goal of 52 books this year. Yes I’m still bragging but I need to step it up, considering I’m 14% behind schedule.  Yes, I have a thing for meaningless data (judge ya mother).  At any rate, let’s talk about the Phil Jackson book, “11 Rings”.

Good quick read. The book is as different look at all 11 championship runs presided over by Phil Jackson. It always amazes me at how much preparation, energy, and thought go into a single game or series. This book shows how mental the game of basketball is. This is refreshing these days, considering our country celebrates mediocrity and stupidity (don’t believe me, watch TV).  It is also interesting to see his perspective on players like Jordan, Pippen, Kobe, and Shaq.  His ability to find various ways to motivate each player on his teams is what allowed him to have the success he had.  Many look at Phil’s accomplishments and give them the Stuart Scott crooked eye because he had very talented teams.  There isn’t one successful coach in any sport who won at a high level without talent, so FOH.  Phil Jackson is the greatest coach of my generation and in my personal opinion, Phil Jackson has the best books when it comes to coaches. The reason for this is because his books are part sports stories, part self- improvement, and part management & leadership. This book is no different.  Many will feel I enjoyed this book because I’m a Lakers fan, and part of that may be true, as it is good to hear the stories behind the great Laker teams.  I also believe you will enjoy this book if you are not a fan of Phil, the Lakers, the Bulls, or even basketball.  His philosophies and mental approach to a child’s game make this book that interesting.


Jimmy “The Blueprint” Williams of The War Room, for War Room Sports

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