Posts Tagged ‘Maggie Mangiel’

Discrimination and Your Health: What to do to Protect Yourself from the Health Hazards of Prejudice

Thursday, September 19th, 2013

by Maggie Mangiel

Maggie Blog







In a diverse environment such as ours where everyone interacts on a daily basis with people from all walks of life, some of us have discriminated or have been discriminated against.  Being a woman of color who lives in a part of the country with a deep-seated bias against people of different backgrounds, I sure have had my share. I have been refused service at a coffee shop and asked to leave for no apparent reason.  I have had my occasional uncomfortable encounter at a workplace.  Many or some of you can relate to such instances. Discrimination comes in forms of gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, and most prevalent, race. Even the rich & famous encounter instances of discrimination.  For example, Oprah Winfrey has had few such encounters in her lifetime with the latest being in Zurich at the Tom Ford store.  Let us not mention what the winner of 2014 Miss America, Nina Davuluri, went through in the hands of social media from racist and ignorant tweeps.  With that being said, how does such experience impact our health and well-being?  Does discrimination go beyond a distasteful experience and a ruined day?  Experts say yes.

Perceived discrimination has been studied with regard to its impact on several types of health effects, both mental and physical. Being mistreated based on things beyond one’s control can lead to mental distress such as anxiety, stress, and low self-esteem.  A study at Princeton University has shown that stress is directly and indirectly related to many diseases and disorders such as high blood pressure and inflammation in artery walls, which is the cause of heart disease.  Experts also explain that for the discrimination to be effective, it need not be explosive or emotional.  Accepting discriminatory, unfair treatment has been proven more harmful.  In a study conducted in 1993, participants included 831 Black men, 1143 Black women, 1006 White men, and 1106 White women 25 to 37 years old; results were that systolic blood pressure among working-class black adults reporting that they typically accepted unfair treatment and had experienced racial discrimination was about 7 mm Hg higher than those reporting that they challenged unfair treatment and experienced racial discrimination in one or two of the situations.  Even subconscious prejudice can be deadly, literally.  Researchers have shown that middle class, college educated African Americans have less life expectancy.  They also earn less money and have less access to healthcare than their white counterparts, all due to systematic bias.  African Americans receive 35% less pay than Whites for doing the same job with the same qualifications.  Earning less means not affording the best of food or health insurance coverage, and also living in less than ideal neighborhoods.  It also means not affording top education for your children, which perpetuates the cycle.  In addition, people who have taken an oath to do no harm have shown prejudice because of race and age.  Nurses and care givers in emergency rooms have been observed to keep young men of African or Hispanic backgrounds, with traumatic injuries, waiting longer and without offering them painkillers.  Elderly non-whites reported being ignored and not treated for their pain and suffering.  Furthermore, white women who have been discriminated against due to their gender or age tend to have higher levels of visceral fat, which is associated with higher risks for developing diabetes and heart disease, just as in black women who experience racism.  Besides, women on average earn less money than men due to gender discrimination.

With all of that aside, discrimination is hard to prove at times, and you cannot always take your case to customer services, human resources, or a court of law.  You just know it and feel it, but what can you do to protect yourself and your health?  Here are few ways in which you can combat subtle prejudice as suggested by a professor at Harvard School of Public Health:

  • Take care of your health, manage what you eat, exercise and meditate.  Doing so can help minimize your need for health care services.
  •  Learn as much as you can about your health condition so you can ask intelligent question and provide informative data to healthcare givers if the situation ever arises, that way you would get the full attention of your physician and you will not be ignored and rushed during your session.
  • If you are an elderly, have a relative, a family friend, or a church member accompany you on medical visits.
  • Understand your own strength and value.  Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.
  • Do not give in to stereotypes.  You are not a loud-mouth, angry person nor a drunk just because of your racial background. So when in a situation and you feel that you are being pushed to act in a stereotypical manner, reject the urge to give in.
  •  Choose a refined language when addressing the matter, you make the situation worse by your choice of words.  For example, instead of saying, “is this because I’m black” , say, “I feel that I’m not being treated like everyone else” or “please explain to me why I’m receiving less than ideal service”.
  •  Last but not least, address the issue when it happens.  Avoiding the situation leads to bigger health risks.

To discriminate is a failure to relate to another person’s humanity; hence not treating them with dignity and respect.  If you ever feel that you are being prejudiced against someone due to their race, gender, age, or religion, try to picture yourself in their shoes.  Reject all stereotypes.  Discrimination reflects the cultural feeds that people get, and the only way to fight it is by refusing to give in.


Maggie Mangiel of Body on Track, for War Room Sports

How to Boost Your Immune System

Friday, May 10th, 2013

by Maggie Mangiel




We live in a polluted world filled with large hazards, and also smaller dangerous ones which we cannot see with the naked eye.  Learn how to make your body resistant to disease causing germs so you can live a healthier and longer life.  Studies have shown that by adopting healthy habits and living the fitness lifestyle, you can boost the immune system and help your body fight off little invaders called germs.


The father of medicine, Hippocrates, said, “let your food be your medicine”.  What you put in your body is the corner stone of your health.  It can heal you or kill you.  So control what’s on your plate by following these rules and work on boosting your immune system.

1.  Eat alkalizing food like green leafy veggies.

2.  Eat less acid producing food like sugar, processed flour and drink less alcohol and coffee.

3.  Eat super food such as spinach, kale and berries.

4.  Add coconut oil to your diet.  It has anti-viral properties.

5.  Take your vitamins; especially vitamins D and C.

7.  Drink plenty of water

8.  Eat food rich in antioxidants or take them in supplement forms; they help neutralize free radicals that cause damage to the cells in your body.


Other factors to keep in mind are getting proper sleep, reducing stress and exercising regularly.  Sleep has a vital role in the function of the immune system.  It benefits your heart, weight, mind and more.  Try to at least get about 6-8 hours of sleep in a comfortable setting, nightly.  In addition, reducing stress is very important.  When you are stressed, the immune system’s ability to fight off antigens is reduced.  The stress hormone corticosteroid can suppress the effectiveness of the immune system by lowering the number of lymphocytes.  Chronic stress exposes your body to a steady cascade of the stress hormones cortisol, which is responsible for the mid-section fat.  Stress is also linked to headaches, infectious illness, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, asthma, and gastric ulcers.  So de-clutter your life and eliminate your stress by finding ways to induce relaxation such as meditation and participating in any form of physical exercise.  Exercise about 3 to 4 times a week for at least 30 minutes a day.  Physical activity has been shown to produce positive changes in a number of areas, such as increased work capacity, improved cardiovascular efficiency, and increased muscular strength, flexibility, power and endurance.  Exercise is associated with increased release of endorphins, natural hormones that pump your sense of well being and promotes a good night sleep.


You have one body for life.  Ensure it is in its best possible condition and laugh because laughter is the best medicine.


Maggie Mangiel, for War Room Sports



Free Yourself from Emotional Eating

Thursday, January 31st, 2013

by Maggie Mangiel





Your relationship with food, no matter how conflicted, is the doorway to your freedom.  Freedom from the morning battle with the person looking back at you from the mirror and judging every roll on your back and dimple on your thigh.  From the scale that reads, “holy cow, that’s a high number” to sucking in your tummy every time you meet someone you have not seen in a while.  Harriet Tubman once said, “I freed a thousand slaves; I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves”.  Your unbreakable cycle of weight gain and loss might be more than just bad food choices and sedentary lifestyle.  It might be something that you are not even aware of; it could be accredited to the self sabotage effects of emotional eating.  Emotional eating is when you eat not because of hunger but due to loneliness, happiness, boredom, sadness, anger, emptiness; or just filling a void or numbing a pain.  Some people would reach for a pint of ice cream when they are confronted with a conflict at a workplace.  Or binge on a box of cookies after an argument with a loved one.  Sometimes, you eat because you are disappointed that your favorite jeans no longer fit, and you end up fueling the fire or creating a secondary problem instead of doing the logical thing which is facing and resolving the original issue.   Emotional eating is a compulsion you develop to protect yourself from confronting the undesired and the intolerable.

It is hard to fix a problem when you do not know its nature or the fact that you are indeed suffering from a problem.  So first figure out if you are an emotional eater.  You might be an emotional eater if you are always on a diet yet cannot keep off the weight.  You go through a bag of chips without even tasting or enjoying it.  You are always being consumed by thoughts of food, eating when not hungry, then feeling terribly guilty for doing so.  Turning to food during stress or when faced with a conflict.  Those are undeniable signs, and they should not be ignored.

To get rid of emotional eating, you have to implement two solutions, one psychological and the other physical.  Address the problem, psychologically, by digging deeper into yourself.  Open up and look inside you, and without judgement, ask yourself serious questions about how you feel.  Do not fear your answers, meet your feelings with openness.  Deal with them no matter how painful.  If you find them too overwhelming to handle on your own, talk to a family member or a friend.  Call a help line.  Or even write them down then read them out loud to yourself, and you will be surprised to find out that they no longer hold power over you.  Remind yourself how strong you are, and how you deserve to be in a better place and deserve to be happy.  Once the psychological solution has been cemented then you can start on the physical.

To some, the physical aspect can be much easier to manage.  Use these steps to help you practice awareness eating:

1.  Do not eat until you are emotionally comfortable.

2.  Set time for your meals.

3.  Dish out a serving size portion in a small dish or bowl, never eat from a bag or box.

4.  Sit down and eat on a table, in a calm environment, in full view of others.

5.  Pay intention to your chewing, contemplate about what is in front of you, taste it, and take pleasure in it.

6.  Eat without distractions such as surfing the net, listening to music, or reading.

7.  Sip water between bites.

8.  Do not skip meals.

9.  Learn to recognize hunger and fullness cues.


Free yourself from the the shackles of emotional eating, and tell yourself that having a bad moment during a 24 hour day is not a good enough reason to punish your body by eating whatever you can get your hands on.  Establish a positive relationship between your emotions and food in order to take charge of your body and put an end to weight fluctuations.  Use food for fuel not comfort or escape.


Maggie Mangiel for War Room Sports

My Spiritual Journey to My Best Body Yet

Wednesday, October 24th, 2012

by Maggie Mangiel




No athlete trains for second place.  If you have ever competed in any form of organized sports, you know that you always have to shoot for the stars, always go for the gold.  Physique competitors are no different.  Whether in the gym, on the hills, the bleacher, or in the kitchen, we put our sweat and tears in it.  We give it all we have.  However, there is a slight difference, our competitors are our former selves, i.e. last year’s physique.  I strive to bring a better, stronger, healthier package than what I delivered last competition.  Not improving upon the physical standard I attained last time on stage is what I truly consider a failure.  Since the beginning of the year, I have been training for my fourth competition with the WBFF.  This time, I decided to only concentrate on the Diva Bikini Category since I wanted to enhance my “lady lumps” and maintain a healthier body fat percentage.  My goal was to achieve an overall balance in my physique while revealing leaner abdominals and leaner, muscular legs and glutes.  I got down to business and came out with a plan that yielded great success.  I was so balanced I thought I might have been doing something wrong.  But the increase in my lean muscle mass and the drop in body fat percentage indicated that I was on the right path.  I was sleeping like a baby.  Totally stress-free.  Now you ask how did you do that, well let me tell you.  I sat down and asked myself a couple of questions and then was able to come up with some answers that made a difference.

First, why do I compete?  Well, here is why.  Competitions are the best way to get that fabulous physique and get in the best shape of your life.  Winning is not my ultimate reward; It is just icing on the cake. I  never focus on my placement.  After all, this is a subjective sport and five people’s idea of beauty should not be my main concern.  I swore to myself to never be the girl that broadcast her anguish and disappointment to her competitors, the judges, or the crowd in lieu of any unfavorable ruling that she might have suffered.  I am definitely not going to send the organization an angry letter about how I felt that I should have placed higher than contestants, 5, 17, or 45.  I compete for the glamour.  For that five minutes in the spotlight when I rule as Queen Diva.  It is when my inner Grace Jones comes to life.  Pull up to the bumper, boys!  This is a show not a competition and for that brief moment I am the headliner.  The audience came to see me, and I would give them the best performance of my life.

Secondly, I asked myself how do I obtain the tremendous physique I need while maintaining a healthy relationship with food and exercise?  In order to answer that, I fired my coach/trainer.  “Bad move,” you say?… No…It was the best idea I have ever come up with.  Not only did I save money, which meant I could splurge on more shoes; I realized nobody knows my body and psyche like I do.  Besides, I had failed to establish a trustworthy relationship with my coach.  In addition, three years of studying and researching sports and nutrition sciences makes me well equipped with all the information I needed.  I amended my diet plan and training regiment in a way I found ideal for my lifestyle.  I added healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats to my meals and limited my cardio sessions to 45 minutes to 1 hour a day 5 times a week.

One day, as I was shopping for a new James Patterson book, I came across a soft cover by the renowned family therapist, Dr. Judi Hollis, entitled “From Bagels to Buddha”.  She illustrated how she lost weight and kept it off by embarking on a spiritual journey.  I was very intrigued.  I have been desperately searching for a way out of my sugar craving and love/hate relationship with my diet meals.  I started meditating for twenty minutes daily and doing three hours of yoga weekly.  Slowly but surely, I started to look at food for exactly what it is, fuel for my body.  I started noticing that I gained a broader focus for the the tasks at hand.  When I am running; I run. When I am eating, I eat.  My self-discipline was phenomenal.  Against enormous adversity (yes, a bikini model’s life can be hard too) I managed to not skip a training session in the last two months leading to the show.  My moods were enhanced and I held a more positive general attitude.  Also, I experimented with cooking flavorful meals while staying within my caloric requirements.

When showtime arrived, I was both physically and mentally prepared.  My family and friends were in joyful attendance as I came out floating like an energetic butterfly that had freshly hatched from its cocoon.  I had never felt better throughout my entire life.  Knowing that I had stayed more dedicated and determined than ever during my training, not only gave me the best physique I’ve ever had, but it also gave me a sense of accomplishment, victory, and a true state of inner peace.  Ultimately, I earned a top 10 finish, but in my heart I had won as soon as I stepped on stage.

Maggie Mangiel for War Room Sports


The Lighter Side of Black

Friday, September 14th, 2012

By Maggie Mangiel




One of the most prevalent but unspoken of issues in the black community, in any part of the world, is colorsim.  Even in a day-to-day conversation, we seem unable to escape color references such as, “I’m sure you know Nikki, the tall light-skinned girl”, or, “look at that boy; he’s so dark, he is midnight blue”.  We have been demanding for years that the white community acknowledge, address, and terminate racism, but if we continue to point out the differences in our shades of blackness, how do we expect them to overlook it?  To make matters worse, some of us commit a truly horrific act.  So called “lightening creams” have created one of the most atrocious epidemics encountered by the black community since slavery; bleaching our skin in an unsuccessful attempt to conform to the “norm”.  Whose norm exactly?  In a recent article written  by a New York Times journalist on the issue; he quoted one of the men interviewed, “you have to change yourself, dilute yourself in order to fit into the Western norm and live in White America”.  So in order to succeed, one has to look the part.  This is the message some black celebrities seem to be projecting.  In 1999, North America was mesmerized and captivated as we all watched the home-run record race between Sammy Sosa and Mark McGwire play out.  I was on team Sosa and even got the jersey to prove it.  There was immense support for Sosa, not only from Chicago Cubs fans, but also from African Americans who didn’t even follow baseball.  An athletic brother with a Latin spice, can’t go wrong with that.  Then two years ago, pictures of a lighter skinned Sosa surfaced and I was wondering many things, but first was “how?”  Apparently, Sosa has undergone a skin-lighting treatment.  Well I was flabbergasted.  What would compel a successful role model to do such a thing?  He is in the spotlight; hell, he is in the record books.  His name has been immortalized.  I felt so ashamed and let down by someone I once idolized.  However, Sosa is not the first black person to do so.  Many other black celebrities, Michael Jackson not included, have been accused of doing it, from Roberta Flack, the Jacksons (Latoya and Janet), to Rihanna and Beyonce.  Many celebrities do it so they can be more acceptable to White America, therefore having more marketability, resulting in an increase in income. 

During the pre-Olympics campaign, US hurdler Lolo Jones was front and center as the face of the US Track and Field team, even though Dawn Harper, the reigning world champion in that discipline, is also an American.  But why was Harper commercially neglected in favor of a less accomplished athlete?  Was it for Ms. Jones’ closer to European features and olive skin color?  We can blame the media for favoring the lighter over the dark all we want, but the ugly truth is; it is not just White America who like it “light”.  The Black community is more than culpable.  Not long ago, HBO released a documentary about the Ali-Frazier saga.  Some of the people interviewed have admitted that one of the reasons Black America was on Ali’s side was the fact that he was the lighter complexioned fighter.  “He was prettier,” they said, and Ali himself, kept re-enforcing that notion by referring to Frazier as a “gorilla”, a “big ugly bear”, and saying things such as; “we can’t let the Asians think that brothers look like that”, even though Frazier’s physical attributes had no merit nor bearing on the sport of boxing.  I do not have to go as far back as the 1970’s to cement this fact.  In the recent history of Hollywood, Pop, and Hip-Hop cultures, the lack of women of darker complexion has been noticeable in those arenas and we would only see them in roles such  as slaves, overweight maids, prison inmates, “crack-whores”, and so on.  None of the women of darker complexion are given a chance at the glamorous roles which portray beauty.  Many rappers for example, including Kanye West, have declared that they prefer women of mixed races, hence lighter complexion as models in their videos.  Since the targeted demographic for Hip-Hop music is predominately African American, it leaves us with one conclusion; we like it “diluted”. 

Last year, a close relative of mine was gazing through my modelling portfolio and said, and I quote verbatim, “why don’t you use some lightening creams like ‘Fair and Lovely’?  Your pictures would look so much better and that would help your career.  You know magazines don’t like dark women.”  So hearing that I was wondering, were the likes of Rihanna right in choosing magazine covers and higher record sales over their own skin color?  Is bleaching the route to follow in one’s journey toward success?  Or am I being too self-righteous for thinking that what they did cannot be justified?  Should the Black youth listen to the lyrics of Vybz Kartel urging them to use the “Cake Soap”?  Is “fair” really “lovely” and should my sisters shed their skin to be considered attractive and marketable?  My answer to all of these question is a resounding N-O!.  It is time we faced this problem head on, shed the self-hatred, and say enough is enough.  I will stand up and may my sisters and brothers help me shout it to the heavens, “I’m black, I’m dark, and I’m beautiful”!


Maggie Mangiel, Fitness Model & Personal Trainer, for War Room Sports

The Greatest Olympian of All Time

Thursday, August 9th, 2012

By Maggie & Paul Mangiel

With advancements in technology, science, and the popularity of the event that occurs once every four years, we find ourselves watching, cheering, and even tweeting the greatest athletes to have ever walked the face of the Earth.  So, naturally the discussions regarding the accolade, “greatest Olympian of all time” will dominate multiple households, websites, and TV screens for the next few weeks.  “Faster. Higher. Stronger” is the motto of the XXX Olympiad games and has been for the whole of the modern era; therefore, the question arises.  Who best embodies this motto?  Out of the multitudes of international heroes who have graced the world’s grandest stage with their mesmerizing and often inspiring performances, out of the many iconic symbols who history has propelled into mythical and legendary status, who amongst them best defines the realization of the Olympic dream?  Most pundits would give the honour to the great Michael Phelps with his astonishing mark of 22 Olympic medals with 18 of them being plated in gold.  Or do you believe it would be unfair to bestow such a distinction merely due to medal count, especially since it is not plausible in many Olympic sports to accumulate such a collection within one lifetime; consequently, is the only logical answer Usain Bolt?  With his outstanding ability to deliver and truly entertain the World like no other.  With mind boggling concerts of majestic sprinting every time he steps on an Olympic track?  But surely the great Jamaican cannot possibly be awarded the title for he is not even the most decorated athlete in the history of his own Olympic discipline.  Sprint legends such as Carl Lewis and Jesse Owens rival and eclipse Bolt’s championships and records total.  Both men only needed one Olympic appearance to achieve what Bolt has done in two Olympics which is amass four gold medals and two world records.  So who possibly can be credited with being the greatest Olympian?  

The answer is no one.  No individual in history can own the the right to be referred to as the greatest Olympian, for this title is not determined by medals or records.  The requirements of this title are beyond measurement and thus cannot exist.  In the Summer of 1968 the hub of Central America, that is Mexico City, was the host site of the 19th Olympiad and it was there where Ethiopian Marathon great Mamo Walde stamped his legacy on the event with a dominant performance over the rest of the field, but the story on that race was not centred around Walde’s momentous victory, but on another man’s refusal of defeat.  John Akhwari of Tanzania made his first and most memorable Olympic appearance in the Marathon that night within the Mexican capital.  He came in as an “under dog”, a flimsy hope from a poverty ridden country, and a miracle was needed for him to medal.  Thanks to a fall which caused him to dislocate his knee and severely cut his shoulder on the 19th km of the 42km race, Akhwari certainly did not medal.  Like the rest of the field the injured athlete was completely helpless to stop the Ethiopian legend from marching towards a gold medal but hours after Walde crossed the line and the large crowd that had attended the games had vacated their seats, the tall emaciated figure of the Tanzanian appeared hobbling into the Olympic Stadium.  Bandaged and bruised with blood flowing down his arm and tears flowing down his cheeks, he crossed the white line on the track that signified he had completed the event that is arguably the greatest test of perseverance and determination the Olympics has to offer.  Finally after a few moments of confusion, one of the last few journalist who still remained approached the exhausted Olympian and asked why he had chosen not to comply with his understandably painful injury and withdrawn from the race?  The man replied, “my country did not send me 10,000 miles to start the race; my country sent me 10,000miles to finish”. 

So what makes Michael Phelps’ or Usain Bolt’s or anyone’s Olympic career any greater than that of this man?  Certainly great champions deserve the respect and reverence they receive, but the Olympics are about much more than winning.  They are a celebration of the greatest gifts and testaments that humanity has to offer.  Olympians are not pawns in a global competition for international supremacy; instead, they are microcosms of their own respective nations with each having their own unique story of struggle but more importantly with each having their own story of perseverance.  The perseverance that catapulted them to now stand in front of the world and embody all that is fair and great about mankind.  The Olympic motto, “faster, higher, stronger”  does not mean to go faster, reach higher, or be stronger than your opponent.  It simply means faster, higher, or stronger is a creed designed to be personalized and inspire all who range from the most dominant of champions to the most obscure of competitors and to believe that there is always room for improvement and advancement within your own life; so it is only logical that it is practiced by every true athlete within their life.  Due to that reasoning,  we are not to compare and contrast these athletes just as we are not to compare and contrast ourselves amongst our peers, but simply to understand the struggle and joy within our own lives and within our world.  Since no two struggles are the same; it would be foolish to critique and compare who possesses more valour.  The Olympic spirit is not meant to be judged but to be admired, and this should hold the same for the athletes.

Maggie & Paul Mangiel, for War Room Sports

Subconscious Prejudice Part II: True North Strong and Racist?

Monday, November 14th, 2011

By Maggie Mangiel

Truth hurts.  People cannot speak their minds nowadays without others over-analyzing what they have said and “go off on different tangents”.  I’m talking about the response I have received from my latest blog entry, the “Subconscious Prejudice”.  Most have missed my point to put it lightly.  Moreover, some said I was “ignorant”.  What?  Really?  I attended university, speak three languages, and have a near genius IQ; I extend my middle finger to those people; yes that is so lady-like.  My concern here is for those who have been eluded by my point and purpose of the article.  I could care less about those who did not realize that what they referred to as “ignorance” was my writing style.  I tend to use cynicism and humor, and nothing is funnier than generalization and stereotyping people (I watch too much of the Daily Show with Jon Stewart).  However, some people even went as far as calling me racist, and some leapt “as high as the ceiling” and said that there is no such a thing as racism in Canada.  Try telling that to the black hockey players.  Do you not remember the banana peel at the Flyers/Red Wings game at the Labatt Centre in Ontario, or the minority kids’ struggle to “fit-in” in hockey that was just aired on CBC not long ago?  We do not have to go as far as Ontario; let’s stay right here with our own former Oilers player, George Laraque, and his new tell-all autobiography, “The Unluckiest Tough Guy” and how he chronicled growing up as a victim of racism.  He wrote about how his elementary school bus driver called him the “N-word”.  Yes that happened…HERE…in Canada.  I do not understand why people become angry and deny its existence.  Pretending it is not there will not obliterate it.  We need to face and address it.  There is racism, discrimination, prejudice, and whatever you like to call it, right here in the True North Strong and Free, and it seems to be more prominent in my line of work.  We need to stop burying our heads in the sand and wish it gone.

Nonetheless, my topic was not racism.  I was talking about prejudice in physique competitions and modeling; there is a big difference between the two.  But now, you leave me no choice.  I am just gonna have to talk about racism; there is no turning back.  Like Chris Rock said, “racism will never stop; it’ll only multiply”.  I want to know why is it that white women go to great lengths and spend as much money as possible to acquire “booty” and full lips but this society still considers a black woman who has them naturally, less attractive?  Why do I not see women like me in the sport or the beauty magazines that I read?  Why do magazine editors choose not to put models, especially women of color, on their covers?  Some editors have been reported to go as far as saying, “black doesn’t sell”.  Are they saying that whoever is buying the magazine is interested in the color of the person on the cover and not the contents of the magazine?  What are the implications of the answer to that question?  Walk into a newsstand, randomly pick 3 Canadian sport magazines and tell me how many Asians, African Canadians, Hispanics, or even East Indians are on the covers, or even featured in them.  One of the leading fitness magazines in Canada has this annual issue of the hottest Canadian fitness models.  In their first issue, published in 2010, they included less than 10% of women of visible minority (one black model, yes the token).  Yet, Statistics Canada states that in 2006, 4 years earlier, (stats are taken every 5 years and the results for 2011 will be out in Feb 2012) visible minority women made up 16.4% of the female population.  Is this not a diverse country and do we not pride ourselves in our multiculturalism and shove it in peoples’ faces every chance we get?  Where is the diversity in the Canadian fitness industry?

Even when I look at the American magazines, I can count on one hand the number of black models and athletes that I have seen on the covers or inside their pages this year; despite the countless number of hard-working, attractive African American models in the industry.  In the beginning of his modeling career, one of the top fitness models in the world was told by an editor that the magazine would be happy to give him a spread but cannot put him on the cover because he is black.  Yes, that happened in this day and age when the leader of the free world and the president of the United States of America is a black man.

This was my point, and that was what I wanted everyone to consider.  I am not one to run around blaming the color of my skin for my shortcomings.  When I decide to do something, I give it my best, and when I fail I am always clear on the cause, and my race, so far, has never been one of the reasons.  Being a dark-skinned female does not define who I am; it is only a part of what I am.  I am a proud Canadian and very fortunate to live here.  I pay my taxes; therefore I refuse to travel and compete in the U.S.  Sometimes I feel that I do not enjoy all the privileges this country has promised me, and I do not want my children to feel the same, so I had to say something.  If I do not speak up, who is going to do so on my behalf?

Maggie Mangiel, Fitness Model & Personal Trainer, for War Room Sports

The Subconscious Prejudice

Tuesday, October 25th, 2011

By Maggie Mangiel

A physique competition is a different ball game altogether, aside from the non-existence of the ball of course.  I stepped on stage and basked in that limelight for the fourth time on October 15.  It was my second time as a bikini competitor.  My first two times were in the fitness model category.  But I chose to change to bikini model because I prefer the softer, more feminine look as opposed to being more muscular.  First time competing in bikini, I placed top 10 and second time top 5.  So, it seems to be the perfect category for me since I did not find much success in the fitness model category previously.  I’m happy with my results and I’m looking forward to my next competition, and to more improvement in my physique.  For some of you who are not familiar with physique sports, the bikini category is the division in which the female competitor is judged on her beauty traits, facial and physical, stage presence, and marketability.  Each time, I was the only black woman in a sea of bleached-blonde, super-enhanced barbies.  I have no problem with “purchased” beauty.  God created plastic surgeons, and we sure as hell do not want them to starve.  Thanks to Baby Jesus, I will not be spending my hard-eared money on them, so power to the barbies.  Back to what I was saying, I know I’m not the only black woman with good looks, beautiful physique, and enough courage to flaunt what she’s got.  So the question arises, where are the rest?  Why aren’t there more Black Canadian females competing in the bikini division?  I thought I would share my feelings and opinion on the subject with you and let us consider them for a second.

First of all, the weather sucks up here and black people prefer to live in warmer climates.  The population of black women is very slim in comparison to the other races.  Well, there’s nothing we can do about the Canadian cold, so I’m going to leave that alone while sighing deeply with disappointment.  I basically think many black women would like to compete and have what it takes to step on the stage, but the truth of the matter is the bikini division is not “black woman friendly”.  This is a beauty contest, plain and simple.  With people like Satoshi Kanazawa on this planet, black women have some hurdles to clear.  In case you have not heard of him, he is an English psychologist of Asian descent who has written one of the most hurtful pieces of work toward black women, and some people have considered his paper to be the worst thing since slavery.  Good thing someone locked his lips and threw away the key (muahahahaha!).  I think the judging panel has to be diverse.  In my opinion, you cannot put a black woman against 30 white women to be judged by 3 white women, 2 white males, and 2 Asians (well sometimes there’s one black guy or a racially ambiguous “black” woman), and expect a fair judgment.  I’m not calling them racist but beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and people tend to identify with people who are similar and closer to their likeness.  So for the improvement of the sport and the advancement of the black woman, I would like to see a panel that resembles the UN and hopefully North Korea does not join (jk…hahahahahaha, nothing against the Asian but Kanazawa just made it so hard for a black woman to look at Asian men without contempt).  This way I feel that my beauty is being assessed fairly, and would not second guess the judges’ integrity and ethics.

In addition, we as black women always think we are better looking than everyone else.  We overestimate our beauty.  Hell, I think I have the nicest “tush” and legs in the whole world, but I’m sure some of you reading this beg to differ.  So, before stepping on stage, we need to logically asses our physique and beauty and compare it to the judging criteria.  We need to be honest with the person looking back at us from behind the looking glass.  Once you truly know your worth, nobody can knock you back, and you can deal positively with people’s opinions and views of you.  Competing once and quitting because you think you “got robbed” or switching to a category such as figure or bodybuilding in which your facial beauty is not considered, or even going as far as traveling to compete in the United States or the Caribbean is not the solution.  The solution is for us to come out with our best, be humble about our looks, and  showcasing them in front of a diverse panel of judges while saying, as Sojourner Truth has neatly put it, “Ain’t I a woman”.

Maggie Mangiel, Fitness Model & Personal Trainer, for War Room Sports

The Slump

Thursday, September 1st, 2011

By Maggie Mangiel

If you are like me, your main reasons for exercising and eating healthy are improving your overall health, adding years to your life, reducing stress, and having a sexy, fit physique to impress the opposite sex.  In impressing the male species, I go as far as wearing short-shorts and 6 inch heels, but hey, I am a different breed altogether.  Anyway, the point is, due to those reasons, you marched to the gym, got a one-year membership, and bought a package of personal training sessions.  You hit up Lululemon and Sport Chek and got decked out in colorful, too-tight spandex and over-priced sneakers.  Then, the quest began.

Things were going great.  The first 4-6 months were just out of this world.  The endorphins produced by exercising did their thing.  Your mood had never been better, and if I may dare add, you actually didn’t mind your friends and their so called “happy relationships” anymore.  You lost weight and inches from your waist, gained some precious lean muscle mass, and saw some abs.  You were so happy, you rewarded yourself with a new, sexy wardrobe.  Even the hot guy checked out your new caboose when you were doing some serious deadlifts.  Then out of nowhere, disaster struck.  You started noticing that you were too tired.  You were too busy to make it to the gym.  Then your new clothes did not fit. You felt bloated all the time.  You could not stop reaching for junk food.  And before you knew it, you had gained 5, 6, 7…oops, 10lbs.  So, before you stop altogether and start having breakfast at Mickey D’s, let me tell you why this might be happing.  It could one of the following reasons:

1. You have hit a plateau.  That’s when your body adapts to your new training and diet routine.

2. You have over-trained and did not get in enough rest.  That leads to being overly fatigued and a loss of interest in training.

3. You were not honest with yourself.  You skipped cardio and you reached for that 3rd Vodka-Cranberry and told yourself a lie that there are no calories in Vodka…Really?  In what science?

Now that the problem has been pinpointed, here is what you need to do to get out of that dreadful slump.  First, switch things up by changing around your exercise and diet routine every few weeks. Even a small thing like doing cardio using an elliptical today, then switching to the stair-stepper a few days later makes a big difference.  Second, sign up for group classes like Yoga and dance.  Do NOT do Zumba, that’s not a dance, seriously, you will make me hurt you if you do.  Third, stay away from alcohol; it’s not your friend.  No, it’s not. There are other things I can list but I will start charging, so I bet you are good with these three for now.  With that being said, get back out there, kick the ish out of that slump, and I promise you, that soon enough, the hot guy in the gym will be helping you with your cardio…if you know what I mean.  😉

Maggie Mangiel, for War Room Sports

Basking in the Limelight

Monday, August 29th, 2011

By Maggie Mangiel

Is sculpting a beautiful physique a sport?  You bet your ass it is.  By clocking in about 5 miles in total cardio a day/6 days, I complete a marathon every week.  And if you think that’s crazy wait until I mention the time allotted for resistance training and the optimal nutrition program that can only be described as borderline psychotic.  In pop culture, the word “bodybuilder” became synonymous to a freak-show, but reality of the matter is this sport has branched into many categories such as female BB, figure, male and female fitness modeling, and bikini modeling, and is reaching the mainstream through fitness shows/expos and magazines.  This is where a 5’7”, long-legged, “tight tush”, 30 year old comes in.  Definitely not your average freak and I refuse to be; therefore I would like to be referred to as a “body-sculptor”.

There are different organizations that govern the sport. I’ve done my research and have chosen the WBFF since the way they do “their thing” suits my personality and look.  Besides, with a slogan such as “the best of the best competes with the WBFF”, how can I not?  As I like to believe, I have the best “tush” this side of the Atlantic.  The WBFF, which stands for World Body and Fitness Federation, holds events in state of the art, sold out venues, with cheering crowds and beautiful bright, colorful stage lights.  It provides an excellent platform for athletes to market themselves through magazines submissions and supplement contracts.

The pressure to succeed pushes all athletes but some choose to react to it in what I (this is my blog so only my opinion matters) consider negative.  Some females in my sport opt for enhancement such as breast implants (due to drastic loss of body fat, in case you didn’t know, mammary glands are made up mostly of fatty tissue), Botox, lip injection (we all know a “sista” has no need for that), and “supplementation” to obtain in a short period of time that desired muscle group that refuses to grow with natural progression.  Unfortunately, sometimes, the result is a jigsaw puzzle made up of Ken and Barbie body parts (i.e. – freak-show material).  The fortunate ones look like Hugh Hefner’s girlfriends.  Nonetheless, the public loves abnormality and that’s what brings them to the shows.

So, after some months of grueling training and consumption of an entire chicken farm, a Diva Bikini/Fitness Model is ready for the stage.  Before “D-day”, there are small, but very important details that need to be tweaked first.  A banging, blinged-out suit in the price range of $250-$1000 is custom made.  Nails, hair, and 5″ clear heels are acquired.  Yes you read it right, “acquired”.  The morning of the show, makeup and hair crew is at hand and a beautiful coat of bronzing tan is applied to make a girl feel like a perfect dolled up statue, or at least that’s how I feel.  Then I put on my Cinderella heels and hit the stage with a strut that makes Rupaul burst into tears of prideful joy.

Maggie Mangiel, for War Room Sports