WRS Book Review: Mike Tyson – Undisputed Truth

by Jimmy Williams

I have read many books this year.  In fact this is the 37th book I’ve read.  I know people who have read more but most people I know haven’t read nearly as many.  And yes I’m bragging because I take pride in my reading, because Jadakiss was right about you Libyans. At any rate I bring up the fact that I’ve read so many books just to say this was the most entertaining book I have read this year, BAR NONE.

I could not stop reading once I started.  This book was depressing, inspirational, hilarious, insightful, and tragic.  I’ve read many biographies and none have been this honest and transparent.  The stories of his upbringing and his relationship with his mother were hard to read, but also makes his journey more understandable.

My friends and I grew up during the “Tyson Era” and he was damn near a super hero to us, whose story had a tragic ending, until recently.  One of the reasons we love YouTube so much is because it was a place where we could watch and relive the old Tyson interviews and press conferences, and damn near die from laughter when he seemed out of his mind and would say the most random things.  Now I have more insight into why he said some of the things he did (even though there is no excuse for some of the craziness he’s spoken).  His knowledge on the history of boxing is impressive, and his ability to be completely out of control but also be self-aware is very interesting as well. Even the epilogue was entertaining, although it read like the ramblings of a bi-polar man having an episode of hypomania.

I could go on and on about specific stories from the book but I don’t want to give anything away.  Just know that regardless of your opinion about Mike Tyson, you will find his story entertaining.

Jimmy “The Blueprint” Williams of The War Room, for War Room Sports

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