Dr. David J. Leonard is associate professor in the Dept. of Critical Culture, Gender, and Race Studies at Washington State University, Pullman. With a B.A. in Black studies from UC, Santa Barbara, and a Ph.D. from UC Berkeley, he has dedicated his career to interdisciplinary scholarship, transformative teaching, and research that underscores the continued significance of race within popular culture, politics, and society.
He is author of After Artest: The NBA and the Assault on Blackness, co-editor of Criminalized and Commodified: New Racism and African Americans in Contemporary Sports & contributor to NewBlackMan, layupline, Feminist Wire & Urban Cusp. He blogs at drdavidjleonard.com Twitter @drdavidjleonard.
Posts Tagged ‘POPSspot Radio’
POPSspot Sports Radio: Donald Sterling, The NBA, & The Assault on Blackness, Guest Dr. David J. Leonard
Tuesday, April 29th, 2014
POPSspot Sports Radio: “Indians are Human Beings, Not Mascots”, Dr. Charlene Teters on POPSspot Radio
Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014
POPSspot Sports Radio welcomes Dr. Charlene Teters, (Spokane) as this week's special guest. Known for her activism and art, She is presently a professor at the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, New Mexico. As a founding Board Member of the National Coalition on Racism in Sports and the Media, her activist-career began with a vigorous dispute with the University of Illinois over their use of a stereotyped image of an American Indian for the school’s sports mascot. She picketed sports events and launched a national debate about the appropriateness of this practice by sports and media. This history of Teters’ work is the subject of a nationally aired award winning documentary “In Whose Honor?” by Jay Rosenstein.