"Teaching Donald Sterling" is the first of many POPSspot Sports Radio shows where local educators explain how they use sports as a teachable moment with the young people they serve.
David Watts is a student-athlete educational consultant, motivational speaker, administrator, teacher, coach, and student advocate. With over 25 years of practical experience as a student-athlete, researcher, coach and mentor, Mr. Watts speaks and conducts workshops and symposiums for student-athletes in the areas of academic achievement, college decision-making process, Diversity & Multiculturalism, and Student-Athlete Advocacy. If you are a HS student-athlete who lives in LA, be sure to make the Los Angeles Student-Athlete Symposium, Saturday, May 24th at Loyola, Marymount University/University Hall.
James Haberl is a High School English Teacher from Skokie, Illinois whose courses include Literature of Sports and American Culture. Haberl will share feedback from from his students to the Donald Sterling tapes and how those reactions can be integrated into greater socio-cultural exploration.
Posts Tagged ‘David Watts’
POPSspot Sports Radio: “Teaching Sterling” – HS Edition, Guests David Watts & James Haberl
Tuesday, May 20th, 2014