Join the generals this week as we welcome B. Austin back from the "Mother Continent".
Roger Goodell is sending the league a message at the expense of Tom Brady and the Patriots, and a fight has ensued. We'll discuss this and other NFL news as training camps begin.
MLB trade deadline has brought an end to an era in Philadelphia, and we'll discuss the legacy of Cole Hamels as a "Phightin Phil".
Meek Mill's Drake revelation has backfired on him, and the internet has put it on his head all week. We'll discuss this in entertainment news and a whole lot more in the world of sports!
"This portion of the revolution will not be televised, but EVERYBODY can listen."
Don't miss it!!!
Posts Tagged ‘Africa’
The War Room: Goodell vs. Brady (Ep. 265)
Friday, July 31st, 2015