Death and Taxes may need to seriously consider adding the Gregg Popovich Spurs making the playoffs to the club of the inevitable realities of life. The hosts at the NLP Podcast spend a week watching the Spurs to attempt to comprehend just how Pop and the Spurs are able to continuously duplicate their success, and why Pop is the true Troll God.
They will also discuss the fight at the bottom of the Western Conference playoff picture, and some potential March Madness ramifications for the NBA.
Listen to archived episodes at and follow the podcast on twitter @NLPPodcast.
Tags: Andy Flint, Basketball, Frank Santos, March Madness, NBA, NBA Playoffs, No Look Pass Podcast, San Antonio Spurs, Sports Talk, War Room Sports, War Room Sports Podcast Network, Western Conference, WRS, WRSPN
No Look Pass Podcast (Episode 24): The San Antonio Spurs Machine Just Keeps Chugging
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