Archive for the ‘Pops Spot’ Category

POPSspot Sports Radio: “Indians are Human Beings, Not Mascots”, Dr. Charlene Teters on POPSspot Radio

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014


POPSspot Sports Radio welcomes Dr. Charlene Teters, (Spokane) as this week's special guest. Known for her activism and art, She is presently a professor at the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, New Mexico. As a founding Board Member of the National Coalition on Racism in Sports and the Media, her activist-career began with a vigorous dispute with the University of Illinois over their use of a stereotyped image of an American Indian for the school’s sports mascot. She picketed sports events and launched a national debate about the appropriateness of this practice by sports and media. This history of Teters’ work is the subject of a nationally aired award winning documentary “In Whose Honor?” by Jay Rosenstein.

POPSspot Sports Radio: The Disturbing Case of Joquan Wallace, Guests – Brenda Cherry & Creola Cotton

Wednesday, April 16th, 2014


Brenda Cherry's petition has already received over 100,000 signatures, but felony charges have yet to be dropped for Joquan Wallace, a student and accomplished athlete at Paris High School in Texas. Wallace received permission from his teacher to use the restroom, but ended up with a trip to the emergency room, two felony charges, and potential loss of sports scholarships. According to numerous witness, Wallace was the victim, not the perpetrator. What happened and what can be done?

POPSspot welcomes Brenda Cherry, President and Co-Founder of Concerned Citizens for Racial Equality, who is fighting to get the felony charges dropped and allow Joquan to graduate with his sister. Similar incidents and institutional racism are nothing new in Paris, Texas. We will also be joined by Creola Cotton, mother of ShaQuanda Cotton the 14 year-old who made national headlines in 2007 after shoving a hall monitor and receiving an initial prison sentence for 7 years. We will get an update on ShaQuanda's case and current status, and how we can support efforts to combat the school-to-prison pipeline.